Whether you are a professional soldier, law enforcement officer, first responder, or an avid outdoor enthusiast you need to know that the gear you use is going to do the job you intend it for. I have been an outdoors man, hunter, and fisherman since I was a kid. I bring nearly forty years of experience as a soldier, police officer, combat lifesaver, armorer, gunsmith, and author to this blog where I review gear from all over the world and many points in history. I hope this blog helps you think through your choices in gear and make decisions that will result in your life-long success in the world, where ever you go and whatever you do.

You might think this sounds like a lot of areas to discuss in one little blog, and maybe it is, but in the end it all boils down to the stuff you choose to buy and use in your life. There are a lot of choices to be made and a lot of stuff being made as inexpensively as possible and sold for as much as possible, and some of it is awesome, like Mora Knives, and some of it is pure junk. You won’t know unless you spend the money and try it out for yourself, or unless you let someone else do it for it for. I have already done a lot of it for you, so learn from my mistakes and my experience. It costs you nothing, zero, nada, zilch. And it gives me an excuse to tell you about what I learned.

Much of the gear I discuss on this blog is historical. You may believe that it will not help you to know about historic gear, like East German canteens, but it might. Much of the gear used by armies of the past is still useful today, and some of it is readily available and pretty inexpensive. A mess kit used by the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2? Still useful today for many purposes. So don’t be surprised to see things that may cause you to wonder why I am discussing them, but I also invite you to ask for reviews of gear that interests you. I may have already used it.

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